Thursday, July 29, 2021

A brand new year in English class!

 Woo Hoo! Here we go!

My name is Kelley Desjarlais (it's pronounced day-zhar-lay), and I really love teaching at Lee Christian School. This is my 16th year here!

I'm so excited about this brand new year! I can't wait to meet you and to get our year started.

Here is some super important information to help you get ready for middle school English.

1. Supplies - here's everything you'll need.

Supply List -  MS English - 2021-2022

  • A binder for English class which contains paper, folders, and anything else to help you stay organized.

  • Pencils - more than you ever think you’ll need

  • 3x5 cards

  • Colored pencils or crayons; highlighter

  • Your grammar book

  • An extra book that you love

  • Locker shelves and other locker supplies (if you want them)

Books, First Semester

6th grade:

 The Lion, the Witch, and the  Wardrobe, by CS Lewis

 The Jungle Books, by Rudyard Kipling

7th grade:

 Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen

 Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry

8th grade:

 The Last Battle, by CS Lewis

 Black Ships before Troy, by Rosemary Sutcliffe

2. Remind

Remind is an AMAZING way to communicate with your teacher via text.

It is super easy.

Step 1: Send a text to this number: 81010

Step 2. Text this message

6th graders: @6thla202

7th graders: @4abhdac

8th graders: @8thla202

3. Quizlet

All  of our class vocab lists are posted on Quizlet. It's imperative that you join my class. Quizlet is an amazing, fun, free way to study from literally anywhere. It's on your computer and on an app on your phone. Click here to join my class:

I can't wait to see you at Open House on Tuesday, and to get this epic year started on Wednesday. I leave you with a picture of our adopted kitties, Biscuit and Olivier. I'm sure you'll hear all about them this year! Blessings, 

Mrs. Desjarlais

So grateful

 Hello, Grammarland! Parents, thank you. You went all out when it was time for our Boosterthon and for our crazy Penny War. You have been am...