Thursday, December 9, 2021

 Hi, Grammarland!

 See that pic? It looks like mayhem, but it's actually a whole bunch of cans and non-perishable food for the annual LCS food drive. This has been an exciting season of giving. 484 OCC Shoeboxes, an Angel Tree child, and many meals from this food drive....all this means that we are following the command of Jesus to be His hands and feet. Thank you so much, MS parents.

Next week....
M-W are normal school days. 

Secret St. Nicholas
7th and 8th grade
Due on Tuesday. Don't spend more than $15, If you need help with who you have drawn, please let me know tomorrow. DON'T forget your gift. Gift exchange is Wednesday morning.

Next Thursday
8th English Exam: 8:00am - 9:50
6th English Exam: 10:10 - Noon 
Early Dismissal  at 12:00 - no lunch

Next Friday
7th English Exam: 8:00-9:50
Early Dismissal at 12:00 - no lunch

I have loved teaching your precious children this semester. May God bless you this Christmas season.

Mrs. Desjarlais

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Hi there, Grammarland!

So sorry it's been a while since my last post. My mother is in the hospital, and has been since early October. We have been super busy in English class, though, and I'm having such a great time with your kiddos.
The pics below are of some of my 6th graders with their castles, the middle school OCC packing party, and the 6th graders packing up 484 OCC shoeboxes right before we got out for Thanksgiving. It was a truly amazing time!!

We have so much coming up.

8th graders: Angel Tree gifts are due next Wednesday, December 8. If you're sending money, please send by December 7 so we have time to shop.

7th and 8th graders: Secret St. Nicholas on December 15. Each student drew a classmate's name. Please don't spend much more than $15 on each gift. Please be sure you bring your gift, as we would not anyone to be left out.

LCS FOOD DRIVE: December 3-10. Please send canned goods and unperishable foods so that we can help feed the homeless this Christmas season.

December 10: Tacky Christmas Sweater Day! Tacky it up!

December 16: 8th grade: Final on Black Ships before Troy, adjectives, and adverbs.
                                6th grade: Final on Best Christmas Pageant Ever, adjectives, adverbs, and preposition
December 17: 7th grade: Final  on A Christmas Carol, adjectives, and adverbs          

Early dismissal on both days.

May God bless each of you! I have so enjoyed teaching your children this semester,

Mrs. Desjarlais


So grateful

 Hello, Grammarland! Parents, thank you. You went all out when it was time for our Boosterthon and for our crazy Penny War. You have been am...