Sunday, April 26, 2020

Happy Monday, Grammarland!

Here we go......

Today's schedule:

9:00 - Homeroom
9:30 - LA 7-1
10:00 - LA 7-2
10:30 - LA 8-2
12:00 - 6th Grade

1:30 - 2:00: Open office

All links are in Google Classroom.

I'm praying for you!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hello, Grammarland!

Thursday's schedule:

11:00 Bible class. Zoom info in Google classroom.

You are in my prayers always.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Happy Wednesday, Grammarland! Stay strong, and stay in the Word. This is how we can conquer the fears that swirl around us in these uncertain times.

Wednesday's schedule:

All links to Zoom are in your Google classrooms.

9:00 Homeroom
9:30 LA 7-1
10:00 LA 7-2
10:30 LA 8-2
12:00 LA 6

Monday, April 20, 2020

Bible class.....

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am. You'll find the link and pw in Google classroom.

I'm so proud of my students!! You are doing great in this virtual school!

But let's think about can we share the love of Jesus when we are stuck at home?

That's what we'll talk about on Tuesday, so be thinking about it.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I've missed you!

Hope you had a relaxing Easter break!

Here we goooooooo.....

9am: Homeroom 8th
9:30: 7th - 1
10:00: 7th - 2
10:30: 8th - 2
12:00: 6th

Virtual Office Hours: 1:30-2pm - link in Google Classroom!

Off we go into the rest of April!


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Well. It's our last virtual school day until Easter. May God bless you as we celebrate the resurrection  of our precious Redeemer this Sunday!

Today's schedule:

Bible class, 11am. Code in Google Classroom. Let's pray together!

No school Friday, or all next week.

Have a lovely stay-at-home Easter break. Create a new tradition on Sunday! Wear your Easter clothes to church in your living room!


Here's Wednesday's schedule:

9am - Homeroom
9:30- 7-1
10am - 7-2
10:30 - 8-2
12:00- 6th grade

All Zoom codes and Zoom passwords are on Google Classroom.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Happy Tuesday, Grammarland!

On today's agenda...

Bible Class, 11am. Zoom info and PW in Google Classroom. See you there! Be sure you have your Bible!

I'm so proud of  my students. They've accepted this new challenge of virtual school, and they're doing great!

I've posted a two-part  Easter break extra credit assignment for my Bible class: an outdoor video interview with an older (as in, older than my students) Christian, and a prayer map to keep handy in these strange times. My friend Heather Webb is a missionary and teacher, and she posted the prayer map idea. Here's her beautiful daughter Jyoti completing her map and sharing her finished work.

Please keep our students and our school in your prayers. Please keep our country in your prayers.
May God bless each of you.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

It's Holy Week, Grammarland! Let's pray for each other in the face of this pandemic, and let's prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter.

Here's Monday's schedule:

9am - Homeroom
9:30- 7-1
10am - 7-2
10:30 - 8-2
12:00- 6th grade

All Zoom codes and Zoom passwords are on Google Classroom.

NEW! NEW! Virtual Office Hours on Mondays from 1:30-2pm.  Meeting info in Google Classroom.

My students are doing great! Please be sure that your student is coming to class and turning in work.

Dress code: Guys, you must be wearing a shirt in virtual class!

If a student submits work to me, and I send it back for corrections, it must be corrected before the due date. Otherwise, I'll take a grade on the original submission.

We didn't choose virtual school, but here we are! Taking it one day at a time is the best plan. I'm so proud of my students, and I'm proud of you parents, too! We got this! (Oh, the grammar...).

Friday begins our Easter break!
All assignments this week are due by 11:59 Thursday night.

May God bless you and keep you safe and well.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Homeroom! Friday, 10am - meet me in Google Classroom for chapel!

Middle school, if you have YouVersion, I'd love for you to join me in reading the plan:

The Cross & Covid-19: Discover Hope This Easter

How can I pray for you? Prayer is the most powerful tool we have, and I'd be honored to pray for you.
 If I can help you pray about anything, I'm here for you.

 Please, please help me pray for my students who do not yet know Christ. My heart breaks for them.

Have a great weekend! Only one more week til Easter.

Hebrews 13
20 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, 21 equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hey hey, Grammarland!

Today's schedule:

Bible class, 11 am - Zoom link and password are in Google Classroom.

And everyone...

Remember - submit work to Google Classroom instead of email.

Y'all are doing great! Check us out - awesome at this virtual school thing!

I'm praying for you. Please keep our world in your prayers.

if my peoplewho are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

So grateful

 Hello, Grammarland! Parents, thank you. You went all out when it was time for our Boosterthon and for our crazy Penny War. You have been am...